About Letters to Her

Based on transcripts provided by StoryCorps Inc., Letters to Her represents the experiences of queer women living in a world that often rejects them. While great progress has been made in the community, these stories offer a firsthand account on how they got there and the ups and downs of current society.

The publication consists of six interviews between the women and their loved ones, from a range of backgrounds, ages, ethnicities, etc. Each interview comes with a poster that documents the life of a historical queer woman figure, noted for her achievements and contributions not limited to a single community.




Jornada Chancery, DSType


Adobe Garamond Pro, Adobe

Chosen for their mimicry of handwritten scripts and origins in traditional typefaces, just as letters are a traditional form of correspondence.



Color & Paper

Pink is used throughout, a color often used to represent women in queer flags. The paper was chosen based on the weights commonly used to send letters.

Format & Reading Experience

Traditionally viewed as a feminine pastime and to capture the intimacy of these very personal stories, the letter format was chosen, sealed with wax, and bound in a faux leather case, similar to the ones used for journals.

The transcript begins at a small size and expands into a poster as the reader completes the text. This further establishes how queer lives have been hidden in the past, to present day as it becomes more widely accepted and people are able to live out and proud.